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  • Kilburn Park Road, London,
  • NW6 5XA, 020 7328 0221

Our Christian Values

Schools and teachers are a major influence on the developing values of children and young people. Children learn values at school form relationships; everyday classroom interactions from the examples set by adults; and, from more formal attempts led by adult to engage in values education.


Meaning, ethics and vision must shape the practice of education; and, as a church school, we have the responsibility to ground our values in the teachings of the Christian faith. It is our Christian tradition which gives our values content and the stories we share with children the values' moral substance.


 We actively teach our values in all we do. They are the focus of our Collective Worships, assemblies, and reflection times in class. They help us develop our strong ethos.

Whilst St. Augustine's is a Christian school, we strongly encourage our pupils to regard people of all faiths, beliefs, races and cultures with respect and tolerance. 
