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  • Kilburn Park Road, London,
  • NW6 5XA, 020 7328 0221


Welcome to St Augustine's CE Primary School


Welcome to St Augustine's CofE Primary School, where we want everyone 'to be the best we can be'. We are a one form entry Christian Primary school, serving a multi-cultural, multi-faith community for pupils aged between 3 – 11 years of age. Currently there are 216 pupils on roll. The school itself is situated near the centre of London in Westminster, but is very close to the boundaries of the boroughs of Brent and Camden. Our school is attended by pupils from all three authorities and also by pupils who have been moved to more distant authorities who choose to continue to attend St Augustine's, despite the long journeys they have to make to get here.


At the core of the school’s vision is a determination to foster, in all children, a love of learning that will endure long after they leave, enabling them to adapt easily to whatever future challenges they may meet throughout their lives. We aim to help all children to be the best they can be.

Our school population is wonderfully diverse and is comprised of pupils from a very wide range of nations, ethnicities and cultures, who speak many different languages in addition to English. This makes St Augustine's an exciting place to make new friends with families from all over the world.  We provide a nurturing environment, developing the emotional, spiritual, social and physical well-being of our pupils and are proud of the fact that many parents and children describe St Augustine's Primary School as their 'second family'.

Our school was founded in 1895 to serve the local community and is primarily concerned with excellence in learning and personal growth. This is delivered within the ethos of Christian values, which we seek to identify as common values shared across the belief systems of the other faiths represented at our school.  We are very keen to promote mutual understanding and respect between all members of our school community and to focus on the fact that we are each part of the St Augustine's family, as well as 'Londoners' and fellow citizens.  We take very seriously our duties to eliminate discrimination, to advance equality of opportunity and to foster good relations within our community. Our school family are taught to go beyond tolerance to understand, respect and celebrate who we all are.

This website aims to give visitors an introduction to our school as well as providing regular and up-to-date information for parents, carers, pupils and governors.  Paper copies of all the documents on our website are available upon request to the school office.

We hope that you will enjoy your visit to our website and that you will find what you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school direct with any queries you may have.

Thank you for visiting and come back soon.

Ruth Vince
Head of Primary
