Please find below key information about St Augustine’s CE Primary School, including inspection reports, performance data, our Pupil Premium Strategy and Our Sports and PE Strategy statement.
This document explains what the pupil premium is, how it has been spent and what effect it has had at St Augustine's.
Main barriers to educational achievement faced by some of the children at St. Augustine's are listed below:
- Oral language skills (CLL) of children entering Nursery and Reception are generally well below the expected level of attainment for their age
- Pupils eligible for Pupil Premium are achieving lower levels of attainment than the cohort in most year groups.
- Emotional and social well-being. Lack of emotional stability can have a negative impact on the attainment and progress of pupils
- Lack of educational stimulus outside of school
- Low aspirations for future education/careers
-Inconsistent progress of disadvantaged pupils over the past three years due to COVID-19 school closures and lack of devices/sharing devices with siblings
The date for the next review of the Pupil Premium Strategy is July 2024.