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Home Learning


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We set homework for the following reasons:


- It helps to consolidate the skills that are being taught at school, and provides children with additional revision opportunities

- It also gives children an opportunity to explore learning in an unstructured setting, encouraging them to be independent and follow their own lines of enquiry.

- In addition, homework creates a partnership between school and family, giving parents an insight into what their child is learning.

Each class receives weekly homework.


Homework will consist of a variety of tasks to develop learning around the topics in class for that week and the overarching unit of work that term.


It is crucial that homework is given due consideration and time as it is a really important part of the partnership between school and home.


Image result for useful website

Here are some useful links to resources for Home Learning:

BBC Bitesize

Primary Resources


The internet is an amazing resource which enables us to connect, communicate and be creative in a number of different ways, on a range of devices.

However, the internet is always changing and being able to keep up to date with your children’s use of technology can be a challenge.

If you want to learn how to keep your child stay safe online while playing games, visit this website, Think You Know for fun games and activities. There are different sections and games depending on how old your child is.


Some other useful websites for children:




Some safe search engines:

Primary School ICT




If you also go to the 'Useful links for all year groups' page on this website, found under Children - Class Pages, there are lots of other fun and educational websites!
